فارسی عربي


Social movies rule 2017 Fajr Filmfest

Iran movies with social messages rank first among 44 films selected at the latest edition of Fajr Film Festival.

After less than a month of rigorous work on the part of the selection committee for the 35 edition of Fajr Film Festival, the majority of chosen films in two section of the event are social themed movies.

A group of 33 cinematic works were curated for the competitive 'Sodae Simorgh' section while the remaining ones selected for the noncompetitive 'Iran Cinema Perspective' segment of the event.

The Crystal Simorgh or Crystal Phoenix is an award given by Fajr Film Festival. It is awarded in several categories of the event

With the highest frequency on the list of selected works, the social themed movies mainly explore the devastating effects of so-called modernity on human life.

Here are some movies selected for the 2017 edition of Fajr festival:

Invitation by Maryam Dousti,

Atmosphere Station by Mahdi Jafari,

‘Hot Summer’ By Ebrahim Irajzad,

 ‘Azar’ by Niki Karimi,

 Suffocation by Fereydoun Jeirani,

 Motherhood Roqayeh Tavakoli,

 ‘General Laborer Needed’ by Manouchehr Hadi

The animation will be dubbed in Persian, Arabic, English and French and screened internationally in a number of countries.

Fajr Film Festival is Iran's annual film festival, held every February.

